How ADHD Affects Adults Differently
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not limited to children – 30% to 70% of children with ADHD continue having symptoms when they are grown. In addition, people who were never diagnosed as children may develop more obvious symptoms in adulthood, causing problems in college, on the job or in relationships.
Many adults don’t realize they have ADHD before they go back to school. But then their resulting low grades leave them mystified about why their education goals seem to slip out of reach. Often, adult students come to us when they are in danger of being dismissed or after they have been dismissed from expensive college or graduate programs. Then, when testing is performed, we see that their problem is ADHD. Sadly, awareness of this disorder would have allowed them to gain additional time or other necessary and legally allowable accommodations. Often, that is all they need to be very successful.
Getting The Correct Diagnosis
To get an accurate diagnosis, you may need a team of specialists. Windsor Law LLC can guide adult students through the necessary psychological and educational evaluation they need to make a valid request for accommodations.
Advocates For Adult Students With ADHD
The three main components of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity and difficulty controlling one’s actions (impulsivity). This can make things difficult for an adult with ADHD in any situation, but the typical school environment is especially hard to handle. Once we get a diagnosis, we will help you get the accommodations you need for school. We can also help you with study skills and learning strategies specifically for ADHD to help you succeed in school.
There are at least three types of ADD/ADHD. In general terms, these are:
1. Inattentive Type: A person with this type must have at least six of these nine symptoms, and very few of the symptoms of hyperactive-impulsive type:
- Not paying attention to detail
- Making careless mistakes
- Failing to pay attention and keep on task
- Not listening
- Being unable to follow or understand instructions
- Avoiding tasks that involve effort
- Being distracted
- Being forgetful
- Losing things that are needed to complete tasks
2. Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: To have this type, a person has to have at least six of these nine symptoms, and very few of the symptoms of inattentive type:
- Fidgeting
- Squirming
- Difficulty staying seated for long periods
- Moving about at inappropriate times
- Having trouble working quietly
- Talking too much
- Talking out of turn or blurting out
- Interrupting
- Often “on the go” as if “driven by a motor”
3. Combined Type: This is the most common type of ADHD. People with it have symptoms of both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive types.
Regardless of the type of ADHD a person has, there are ways to manage the disorder and improve learning skills. You may need a lawyer’s help to get your school to work with you, so speak with Windsor Law LLC as soon as possible. Consider letting us help you achieve your academic goals.
We Can Be Your Legal Voice And Work With The School
Having an attorney’s voice on your side can be compelling. We know the laws as they pertain to learning disabilities and how schools must support these individuals. Let us help. To schedule an appointment with an attention deficit disorder lawyer, please call 941-487-7527 or contact us online.